Lightning Love

Lightning Love

Love can be like a bolt of lightning, especially if the electricity between two strangers is immediate. And if you believe lightning only strikes once, then when it hits, you’ll know. It’s that frisson of excitement you feel when you know it’s right (and sometimes even when you know it’s not right, but it’s wild, untameable and thrilling).

I believe in love at first sight. When I first clapped eyes on my partner, I looked deep into his warm, smiling eyes and thought, “I’m going to marry you”. This could be construed as stalkerish behaviour as it was his internet dating profile pic I was gazing intently at, but 18-months on, we’re happily in love. For real.

Being the tragic romantic I am, I was compelled to tune in last night for the 2019 series return of Nine’s Married at First Sight. I couldn’t help but speculate: Will the show’s 20 single hopefuls find lightning love at the altar where they meet their spouse-to-be for the first time? Who will marry who? Which couple will be the 2019 series fave? Will there be any villains to boo at this year?

Secrets Shhh is thrilled to announce for the second consecutive year we’re the wedding ring partner to #MAFS 2019 (series 6). See ‘related products’ below for a sneak peak of some Secrets’ beauties, which are set to shine on screen this season.

What makes Secrets so desirable?

Exquisitely crafted in solid 14-carat gold, our women’s wedding bands combine brilliance with beauty. The diamond simulant accents elevate the traditional plain gold wedding band to the next level of excellence in bridal jewellery design.  And just like your love, our stones are guaranteed to shine a lifetime.

The perfect match

Any guesses which ring will be which #MAFS bride’s perfect match? If you do, keep Shhh! about it. Even Secrets doesn’t know where cupid’s arrow will land.😊💎